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Sister of Darkness Page 5

  For example, I run in the same circles as a well-known Hollywood player, whom I’ll call Mr. Sunshine. For whatever reason, Mr. Sunshine and I always seem to take the same meetings, with him in the slot just before mine. He’ll leave a conference room, and a few minutes later, I’ll enter without ever seeing him—and then stop in my tracks.

  “Who was just here?” I’ll ask. “Something in this room is amazing!”

  Now, everyone in Hollywood knows I’m an exorcist, so I could start chanting and drawing pentacles on the floor in black salt, and no one would think I was any weirder than they already do. Pointing out the incredible energy in a room is tame as far as most expect from me.

  “It was Mr. Sunshine,” they answer. “He just left.”

  This man’s energy is unmistakable. He’s so high frequency that when I come into the space he’s just vacated, I feel like he’s left a beautifully packaged energy gift for me, right there on the boardroom table. Being in his presence is another matter entirely; it’s like breathing clean, pure oxygen, or walking into a room at a spa whose air has been infused with Himalayan sea salt. (By the way, if you haven’t been in a salt room, run, don’t walk, to a spa that has one. Himalayan salt cleanses and purifies both body and spirit, helping you raise your frequency till you’re positively buzzing.)

  High-frequency energy feels like diving into the most beautiful, fresh, crystal-clear water in the world. It makes the air so clean that you just want to rip off all your clothes and bathe your naked skin in it. Honestly, I’d put Mr. Sunshine on retainer if he’d promise to wake me up every morning.

  One interesting thing I’ve discovered is that people’s personalities don’t necessarily match their frequencies. I’ve met total assholes who are high frequency 99 percent of the time, and some of the sweetest people on earth are chronically low frequency. Someone’s frequency is often tied to your perception of them, too. For instance, a low-frequency person may feel that way to you because they’re just not your cup of tea, or perhaps they’re just guarded. I’ve noticed that very abrupt people, for example, relax a little bit the more they’re around you, and then your perception of their frequency can shift.

  There are also people that I call “energetically sensitive,” which means that they easily pick up the moods or energies of those around them. A subtle shift in energy—whether from a situation or another individual—makes them feel something more than others. These people include empaths, or those who suffer from social anxiety. When an entity tries to attach to them, they may actually sense it just outside their body or trying to burrow inside. No, they won’t feel like they’re being bitten or drilled into; instead, they may suddenly become nauseated, or they might think, I don’t know what just happened, but something is totally off. In fact, they’re sensing how an entity has latched on to their frequency.

  I’ve gotten to a point where I can change my frequency so suddenly and dramatically that it’s actually perceptible to the people around me. They won’t feel it instinctively, though. I have to coach them. Here are the steps I lead them through:

  I’ll pick an object that I know has high-frequency energy in it. Often this is a small, round stone, which feels soothing and cool as it sits in the palm of your hand. I use these stones in exorcisms, and people always respond to them positively. I’ll then ask my friend or client to hold the stone, saying, “Think about how you feel, and register that sensation. Now, put it down and consider how you feel with it not there.”

  They’ll always pick up a subtle energy shift. It’s not because the stone is making them feel a certain way; it’s because the sensation of absence is cold and dark. It’s blank, unlike the rock, which held a certain mass to it that was pure energy.

  Next, I’ll ask my client to hold my hands and sense my energy.

  “How does that feel?”

  “Good,” they always reply.

  And then suddenly, I’ll force a shift to a dark energy and ask them if they noticed.

  “Yes!” they’ll answer. “It’s how I felt after I put down the stone!”

  They’ve just experienced the difference between high and low frequency, which is the contrast between lightness and darkness. When you’re out in the world, notice this sensation pass through you. If you’re feeling great but then suddenly become anxious or afraid, know that that’s not necessarily a change in your own frequency. You may, in fact, be picking up the energy of something else, and it could be an entity.

  What Entities Look Like

  There are hundreds of types of entities, some of which I’ll describe in great detail. But, for our current purposes all you need to know is that while no two look alike, most are unmistakably gray or dark, and they’re almost always slightly—if not entirely—translucent. They can be big or small, have human or animal features, or just look like creepy-crawly masses. Some are kind of cute (totally weird to say, but true), but those are definitely in the minority. Almost all are frightening, which shouldn’t be surprising.

  In an exorcism, I force an entity out of a person’s body using a tremendous amount of high-frequency energy. Before I begin, I see the entity in whatever form it’s held throughout its existence. That is, it doesn’t change its shape or color just because it knows I’m trying to remove it. But when I start an exorcism, an entity doesn’t maintain its form. Everything about it turns to pure energy, and it dissipates into what looks like smoke. Finally, at the point of the entity’s demise—when I successfully destroy it right in front of my satisfied face—it becomes pure, ashen gray, like smoke from a fire.

  The more time an exorcism takes, the longer an entity will keep its form. But I’ve never seen one that’s able to withstand an exorcism and maintain shape. It may take hours to expel and destroy—recently I had one exorcism that lasted three hours—or it may happen almost immediately, but all entities blast into oblivion after I’m done with them.

  Just because I understand what entities are and what to do with them doesn’t mean they’ve decided to stop harassing me. I witness them attached to people in public spaces; I see them floating through the air, unattached but looking for their next victim; and I watch them in the process of embedding into people. And they visit me personally, though they typically do it in one of two ways. The first is the “Hey, I’m an entity, here I am!” visit, which happens when an entity approaches me with a stare-down, yet doesn’t try to attach itself to me. The second occurs when an entity attempts to push itself inside me. My sense is that they do this to suss out what I am, and how and why I’m so different from most humans walking the streets. Now, I can’t prove this—entities don’t often speak to me—but that’s the strong feeling I get. And I’ve learned over these years that I should trust my instincts.

  These days, I’m very much in tune with how entities operate, and therefore I can completely shut out those who actually do try to attach to me. I don’t deal with them the way I did when I was a kid, though; that was a naïve denial of my incredibly confusing reality. Instead, I work to push them out, and I do whatever I can to raise my frequency so that I’m more powerful than any entity. Sometimes all I have to say is “Get the fuck out. Get the fuck away from me!” And you know what? It works. I’ve raised my vibration quickly by stepping into my power.

  Entities tend to shy away from groups of people because there’s too much high energy in one space. That’s not the case when someone’s alone, though. Think about it; how many times have you felt depressed, thought to yourself, You know, I just need to get out of the house and go to [insert church, library, bar, park, gym, or anywhere where there are lots of people and where you enjoy going]? You usually start to feel a little better surrounded by others, right? Your frequency is higher in groups. Entities know this. But there are times when entities will attach in crowded places. I think it’s because the person they’ve targeted is in a particularly low-frequency place personally, so they’re vulnerable.

  Or if you’re me, it’s because the entities are trying really, re
ally hard to prove themselves.

  Recently, I had a visitation like that in a crowded gym, of all places.

  I’m kind of obsessive about some things, and one of them is that I like to go Spinning at least five times a week. You heard that right—I go to class every single weekday morning and maybe once on the weekends, bright and early. Those of you who Spin regularly know that sometimes you’re just drawn to one particular bike for whatever reason. You may like the location in the room; you may—weirdly—have a penchant for bikes with ripped seats; or you may just be a creature of habit. I always choose the same bike. It’s my bike (even if I don’t own it) and I Spin better when I’m using it.

  A few years ago, I encountered another chick who, like me, attended Spin class obsessively and always chose the same bike: the one directly in front of mine.

  This woman wasn’t even blocking my view of the instructor, but for no reason in particular, she really irritated me. We never spoke, and she seemed nice enough, but there was just something about her that rubbed me the wrong way. Each morning, I tried to ignore my feelings toward her and focus on getting a good workout, but I couldn’t stop thinking, This chick is driving me fucking crazy.

  After two weeks of staring daggers into her back, I was at a loss for what this poor girl could have done to make me so angry. She’d even smiled at me once in the locker room, which of course I found incredibly annoying. But then, as I sat on my bike one morning and pedaled away during a particularly hard ride, I saw something.

  While the unsuspecting woman looked forward and pumped her legs up and down, an entity pulled itself away from the back of her head while still partially attached, turned, and looked directly at me. It was a male Wraith, skeletal, with dark, hollow eyes, staring me down and daring me to respond.

  Okay, now it all makes sense, I thought. That’s why I never liked that girl.

  I’ll never know what exactly the Wraith wanted to prove to me, though I suspect it was just trying to assert its place. Just like me on my precious bike, it wasn’t going anywhere, and it wanted me to know that. I didn’t do anything to it or say a word to the woman, though. I can’t just go up to people randomly and tell them they’re possessed. It’s not something that’s going to give them great joy to hear, and I don’t feel it’s my place.

  What Entities Do

  No entities—except the highest order (and most malevolent) ones like Realm Walkers—are out to kill you. If they did, they wouldn’t be able to feed off you anymore, so the entire point of their existence would be null and void. The only time an entity could kill you—and it would be indirectly—is if it saps your energy so completely that you commit suicide out of desperation. There’s also an extremely small chance that a person could have a very high-level entity who’s feeding off so many people at the same time that murdering one of them is no big deal. I’ve never seen this happen, but hypothetically, it could.

  Even if entities don’t kill you, they can cause physical problems that range from mildly irritating to downright debilitating. In fact, a lot of people who come to me do so because they’ve heard I can help cure their illnesses, alleviate their symptoms, or undo the damage caused by a sickness. What they may not realize, though, is that their issues stem partly from another problem: the entities attached to them.

  My clients’ most common physical complaints include arthritis, headaches, nausea and other gastrointestinal issues, or infertility. But I also see clients with major life-threatening illnesses like cancer or AIDS. I may not be able to save these people’s lives, but every single time, removing their entity helps lessen their pain and suffering. Why? Because not every physical sickness is just physical. There are many energetic reasons why people manifest physical symptoms of things. I’m not sure why, but joint pain is probably the most common issue entities cause, and typically, my clients will have visited a doctor to alleviate their symptoms, only to be given a prescription for pills that help for a short time but never fully cure them. The reason modern medicine doesn’t, of course, is that the problem is entirely linked to entities.

  It Starts with Trauma

  It’s not that the entity actually causes a person physical harm in all cases. Some physical issues are genetic, congenital, or purely random. But often, an entity carries the original trauma that’s the source of a physical problem. I’ll get into this more later, but think of it this way: When we have pain and trauma, it lowers our energy level. When that happens, we pull entities in (because they feed off of low energy), and we push the scars from our trauma down. When you feel anxiety, for example, you stuff pain and tension down deep into your body, shoving it so far away that it causes stomach pain, indigestion, or acid reflux. A terrible tragedy that shakes you to your solar plexus may burrow into the fiber of your being permanently—including your joints and your bones—causing you to become stiff, sore, and achy.

  Traumas don’t just produce physical symptoms; people react emotionally and spiritually as well. When someone suffers a personal setback, like losing a job or a loved one, they typically feel sad, vulnerable, betrayed, or intensely lonely. These are low-frequency emotions, and they block the flow of positive energy. When that happens, the trauma sits in the body, and entities flock to it. These entities may be the type with tubes extending from their bodies, burrowing deep within your heart, brain, or, most commonly, core, or have tentacles that pierce through flesh to go deep into a person’s being. Others simply hover, and some don’t show how they’re physically attached. Or, like the one I saw on my boyfriend, an entity may simply tunnel inside a body to find a place to feed. I may not even be able to see how it’s attached; I can just tell that it’s there.

  Trauma can sit in the body for years, and may eventually end your life. Just look at my mother. Throughout all her years, she denied responsibility for anything that was wrong with her, her actions, or her emotions. She remained deeply, fundamentally unaccepting of the effects of the trauma deep inside of her body. I’m no doctor, so I can’t say this is exactly why she developed stomach cancer, but it sure seems like a plausible connection.

  After she died, she came to visit me. Now, I know what you’re thinking. You’re a medium, too? Nope. I’d never call myself one, though I do sometimes see dead people, and we’ll get into that later. Just know that a few months after her death, my mother visited me in the etheric space—essentially, what most people would call a dream—and she revealed to me exactly how she had stored her trauma in her body.

  It was one of the most upsetting things I’ve ever seen.

  My mom showed herself in what appeared to be a dimly lit public bathroom, with one light flickering. It looked like a scene out of Saw. She started calling to me, and when I saw her in the distance, she was in a wheelchair.

  “Where were you?” she asked me.

  “I’m here now,” I answered.

  Then she fell out of her wheelchair, as if she’d been pushed, stared blankly at the wall, opened her mouth, and began vomiting black liquid.

  My mom was what we in the Spirit world call “freshly dead,” and she was still coming to terms with what had happened to her in life and at the point when she passed. Obviously, she wasn’t at peace with her death. Her illness had been sudden, shocking, and painful, and she was still frightened. The trauma was too fresh.

  Mom visited me every few days for a month after that, and at first, we couldn’t speak without getting into a fight. Still, I realized that she was showing up because she thought I’d understand. And I did. I knew that she was coming to grips with the person she was and how that had led to her death, and that she couldn’t pass back to Spirit until she’d gone through this process. Mom hadn’t accepted me when she was alive, but when she was dead, she began to.

  It took about six months, but eventually Mom began to seem better, more resigned to her life and death, and we stopped fighting. In fact, she stopped visiting me because she realized she could cope with herself and her trauma on her own. There are many realms to the a
fterlife, and I don’t believe she’s passed through all of them yet, but I know she’s moving forward.

  The good news, though, is that traumatic situations—and their spiritual, emotional, and physical repercussions—can absolutely be dealt with while you’re alive. In fact, they should be! And I can help.

  I have lots of clients who come to me struggling with infertility. One woman I saw had been trying to become pregnant for several years. She’d gone through rounds of IVF, all of which were failures. Each of them had sapped her and her husband emotionally and financially, and their marriage was struggling, with no light at the end of the tunnel. The woman’s doctor had sat her down recently and leveled with her.

  “I’m so sorry,” he said, “but I’ve been doing this for twenty years, and your ovaries won’t produce the eggs that will allow you to conceive a baby.”

  This woman was in her early thirties, and she was desperate to have a child. She refused to give up and wouldn’t accept what the doctor had told her as gospel. So with no medical options left, she sought my help.

  “I realize there’s probably no chance, but I need someone other than my doctor to tell me that I can’t have a child,” she said. “I just need a second opinion so I can stop hoping. It’s the hope that’s killing me.”

  After working with so many infertile women, I know that often the reason they can’t get pregnant isn’t physical. If a doctor can’t find a biological cause and names the issue “unexplained infertility,” as one had with my client, I almost always conclude that the real reason is spiritual. How do I know this? Because I can see the site of trauma in the body, and it doesn’t look physical at all.